英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:34:09
  • 网络解释

1. (风)变强:break ties with 断绝与...的关系 | breeze up (风)变强 | bright spot 光点

2. 风开始吹起来:breeding 核分裂的增殖繁殖 | breeze up 风开始吹起来 | breeze 微风


3. 紧张不安起来 害怕 惊慌:breeze oven || 焦末化铁炉 | breeze up || 紧张不安起来 害怕 惊慌 | breeze-block || 轻型建筑用砖

4. 变强:break ties with 断绝与...的关系 | breeze up 变强 | bright spot 光点

  • 临近词

Through the evergreens swaying in the breeze, she was watching the couple lounging in the enclosed stern of the large boat tied up to the dock nearby.(透过微风中摇弋的常青树,她看着一对坐懒散地斜倚在密封式船尾的夫妇。这艘船很大,就拴在附近的船坞上。)
It's like looking up in the sky: Sometimes you feel a breeze coming from the south, but you look up in the sky and see a layer of clouds moving east, and another higher layer of clouds moving west.(就好比观测气象:有时侯,你察觉一阵轻风从南方吹来,然而抬头观天,看见一个云层在朝东移动,另一个更高的云层在朝西移动。)
The spring breeze, every time to quietly, will blow up half side slopes, into the peach blossoms in full bloom, drunk drunk fall, also drew boring around me.(多情的春风,每一次静静地来过,都会吹醒半面山坡,惹来桃花盛开,醉醉飘落,也引来了我的无趣徘徊。)
This morning when we woke up, Spanish sunshine and breeze already were waiting for us to enjoy.(今晨醒来,西班牙的阳光和微风早已等待我们一同去感受了。)
The broad expanse of the sea, the sea breeze strong pace through the waves, waves, roaring waves, roll up thousand heaps of snow, the sea is playing deep forceful masculine.(宽阔无垠的海面上,海风劲健的脚步走过,海涛阵阵,波涛汹涌,卷起千堆雪,那是大海奏起的深沉雄浑阳刚的乐章。)
A breeze blew up the leaflets.(微风把传单吹起来了。)
This is a good start, the world for her coming lit up all the lights in between heaven and earth, she picked up the breeze of the pen, draw the mind carpet of flowers of the earth.(这是一个美好的开始,世界因她的来临点亮了天地之间所有的灯,她拿起微风的笔,画出心目中繁花似锦的大地。)
What are you in the shadow of trees, Engaged up there with the light and breeze.(你是作什么的?在树荫里,在那里面和光和微风约定。)
When the beautiful sun went up, the gentle breeze brought us the fragrance of the flowers, the golden sunshine made our hair shimmer, and my heart would be filled with hope and happiness!(当美丽的太阳升起的时候,轻柔的微风带给我们花的芬芳,金色的阳光使我们的头发也漾起一层亮色,那一刻,我的心总是充满了希望和快乐!)
Set up a fan a few feet in front of the treadmill for a cool breeze while you daydream about summer beach walks.(在跑步机几英尺前面放一个吹冷风的风扇。权当你想像一下自己在夏季的海岸上行走,海风吹拂的感觉。)
breeze up是什么意思 breeze up在线翻译 breeze up什么意思 breeze up的意思 breeze up的翻译 breeze up的解释 breeze up的发音 breeze up的同义词